Unicorns were capable of moving faster than werewolves.
Not aggressive without cause, but should be treated with great respect. Wandmakers such as the Ollivander family also plucked hairs from the tails of the creatures to use in wands as cores. They were also fast enough to outrun werewolves with absurd ease. Unicorns are also so fleet of the hoof that they can rarely be caught by humans. Unicorns preferred a woman's touch, but the young ones were more trusting and do not mind men as much. Unicorns inhabited the forests of Europe, including the Forbidden Forest by Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was not mentioned how long a Unicorn can live for.
Their hooves were golden (remaining so from their gold stage, the first two years of their life), and their blood was silver-blue and shone under the moonlight. They were fully grown at about seven years old, at which at this age they turned a shade of pure white that was so bright that it made freshly fallen snow looked grey in comparison. At around four years old their horn grew in. They remained so until they were about two years old, at which time they turned silver in colour. Unicorn foals were born pure gold in colour.