In the second game, you encounter the Dark Amazons after their fall from grace.In the first game, you're fighting the Mactaleanatae, the group the Dark Amazones devolved into: they went over to the dark side and revere Rondra's demonic adversary instead.Also, both games feature NPCs, or rather: Dark Amazons, their evil counterpart. You may choose to play each game as one and even find Amazon-specific armor. Amazon Brigade: The setting has literal Amazons, a cultish order of exclusively female warriors who are fanatical followers of Rondra, the goddess of war.All Trolls Are Different: They are big hairy giants who really like sweet stuff.Both games are also part of larger tabletop-campaigns. All There in the Manual: Gamers who also know the Tabletop RPG will get several references to events and characters in the setting.